Order OmniCADD Software
To order OmniCADD Software, please fill out our request form. Within one business day you will receive an emailed OmniCADD invoice with payment instructions. Once payment is received, the order will ship by Federal Express (overnight service in the US or International Priority.)
OmniCADD Pricing information can be found on the OmniCADD Pricing page.
If you want to make a complex order (i.e., three HCS licenses, or two SDS and one HCS license, etc.) you can leave detailed instructions in the Comments area. Use the following abbreviations:
- SDS : Sprinkler Design Software
- HCS : Hydraulic Calculations Software
- SLE : Stocklisting and Fabrication Software
All of our programs can run individually as standalone software.
The HCS (Hydraulics) and SLE (Stocklisting) programs will run in either 32 bit or 64 bit Windows.
Due to AutoCAD restrictions on our database software, SDS (Drawing) will only run in 32 bit Windows. A 64 bit Windows machine can be configured to run at 32 bit AutoCAD using a 3rd party tool.
The SDS also requires AutoCAD 2012 or earlier, as it is an add-on software.
If our Form Validator will not accept your data, please copy and paste the completed form into an e-mail to us.